Package org.kaariboga.core

The most important core classes.


Interface Summary
BaseListener Interface for events that can be fired by the kaariboga base.
KaaribogaListener Interface for events that can be fired by kaaribogas.
KaaribogaMessageListener Interface for messages that can be fired by kaaribogas.
KbMessageHandler Interface for classes who want to register as a message handler.

Class Summary
BaseEvent Events that can be fired by the kaariboga base.
ClassManager Stores the classes and the bytecodes of the loaded classes.
Kaariboga The Kaariboga class implements the base class of a mobile agent.
KaaribogaAddress Defines an address for agents.
KaaribogaBase A class to host mobile agents called kaaribogas.
KaaribogaBox Stores relevant information to administrate agents on the base.
KaaribogaClassLoader Helper class that creates a class from an array of bytes.
KaaribogaEvent This is the class for all events that can be fired by kaaribogas.
KaaribogaInputStream Reades a kaariboga objcect with the class file from the stream.
KaaribogaMessage The kaariboga message is a message that kaaribogas and bases can send to each other.
KaaribogaMessageEvent This is the class for messages that can be fired by kaaribogas.
KaaribogaOutputStream Writes a kaariboga objcect with the class file to the stream.
KaaribogaSecurityManager Simple Security Manager to prevent agents doing some bad things.

Package org.kaariboga.core Description

The most important core classes.

This includes the agent class Kaariboga and the base server KaaribogaBase as well as classes for messages, agent transportation and so on.