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The KaaribogaBase class manages agents and message delivery. It is designed as a bean that can be used to build servers with some kind of user interface. The KaaribogaBase usually interacts with two other classes, a server class that acts as a user interface and the agents themselfes. Using the KaaribogaBase to create a server takes the following steps:
  1. Create a new base by invoking the base contructor KaaribogaBase (Object parent, ClassManager clManager) The parent object is used for security reasons, because it should be the only class allowed to connect or disconnect from the network or even shut down the base. The clManager is a repository, that manages the byte codes off the agent classes. As agents may be coming from distant machines in a network this is not done by the usual class manager.
  2. Add an event listener, that listens to all events fired from this base by calling addBaseListener(BaseListener l). Usually the base fires events if something important happens, that requires attention. For example if an agent arrives an event is fired and the receiving class usually updates some kind of representation for the agents. There can be more than one event listener. So it is possible to represent agents in different forms for example as a list or as nice images.
(XXX threads and interaction with Kaariboga agents)
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Dirk 2002-09-01